説明: <div>Talia Mint is very well known as loving any kind of sex fun girl. However, after a while everything started to be boring for her. So, every single evening she was dreaming about new sexual experiences. She was dreaming of having a huge fat cock. Finally, on one go these evenings Talia received a small box with a gift inside – magic pill. Even though, that the chances to grow a massive cock were around 0, Talia swallowed the pill and fell asleep.</div>
<div>She woke up from a very intense sensation between her tights. Sensation she has never felt before. She ran her hand down and felt it… Talia has a dick in her hand, her own dick. Without a minute of hesitation, she started to play with it. To masturbate intensively, as she has never done before. So, she brings herself to the best orgasms in her life and cum all over her body and face…</div>