説明: Brendan is wearing a blue suit, a white shirt, a purple tie, a pair of black sheer socks, and a pair of shoes.brendan sits down on the sofa and puts his feet up on a stool. fer curls up at brendan's feet and takes off his shoes. after that, he starts licking, sniffing and touching brendan's socked feet. next, fer begins to tickle brendan's socked feet. then, he unbuttons and takes off brendan's shirt and briefly tickles his sides. after that, fer ties brendan's hands and continues tickling his feet. after a while, fer takes off one of brendan's socks and continues to tickle his feet with a brush. next, fer takes off brendan's pants and continues tickling both feet with another brush. then, fer takes off brendan's other sock and continues tickling his feet. afterwards, fer tickles brendan's armpits and sides. fer also blows raspberries all over brendan's belly and belly button. brendan can't help but laugh all the time. fer gags brendan tightly with a ballgag. then, fer continues to tickle brendan's feet with a brush and a back scratcher. next, fer tickles brendan's armpits and sides and he also blows more raspberries all over brendan's belly and belly button. fer uses a feather to tickle his armpits and feet. fer also uses his fingers to tickle brendan's feet. finally, fer tickles brendan's body for a short while.